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  • 2016-06-26: Paris

    01 August 2016

    Gentil cadeau de mariage de la part des collègues de Yves, on profite d'un dîner au Ciel de Paris de la tour de Montparnasse. Deuxième visite pour moi à la tour la plus haute de Paris, et une première accompagnée de Yves, le dîner est, comme la vue, bien...

  • 2016-08-15: Saghbine

    31 August 2016

    Les gens les plus chèrs à Saghbine [...]

  • 2016-08-16: Aley

    31 August 2016

    En une journée chaude, on prévoit une randonnée urbaine à Aley; Finis rapidement, on précise une adresse sur le GPS et on suit le chemin à pieds, un chemin en nature, en descente vers Beyrouth. Très bien! Sauf qu'à un moment, le chemin à pieds devient...

  • 2016-08-19:Beirut

    02 September 2016

    [Video] ببيروت للي بحبها، بيروت للي عرفتني عليك، ببيروت بحب امشي معك

  • 2016-10-07:Beirut

    11 October 2016

    The "after" photo at the opening of our lovely basement. [more photos]

  • 2017-04-02: Paris

    10 April 2017

    Musée des Arts et Métiers - Paris [more photos]

  • 2016-04-11: Sofil

    13 April 2016

    I am afraid May is becoming the invisible character in my story. Somehow, a photo is taken in her presence but she's not in it. A while ago, in my wedding ceremony, the photographer took a photo of me while I was talking with her by phone. Then again,...

  • 2016-12-03: Paris

    10 December 2016

    Tour en Bus à Paris et une autre perspective d'un point un peu plus élevé. Avec mon tout beau, je danse comme une plume et je cours derrière les petites choses qui rendent heureux. [more photos]

  • 2017-03-12: Wy Dit Joli Village

    21 March 2017

    Hiking in Wy Dit Joli Village, yes it is the full name of a beautiful village. [more photos]

  • 2018-01-07: Maisons Laffitte

    22 January 2018

    The Castle of Maisons Laffitte was designed by François Mansart in the XVIIth century. The owner, Longueil, wished to build the castle where the first floor is completely designed in order to receive the king and the queen.

  • 2016-02-09: Beiteddine

    06 March 2016

    Le palais est divisé en trois sections principales. La première consiste en une large cour (le midan) autrefois utilisée par les cavaliers de l'émir. Au fond de cette première cour un double escalier conduit à la deuxième section du palais, la partie...

  • 2015-09-19: South Lebanon

    23 September 2015

    El Khiam Prison, Fatmeh passage: The south might not be my favorite scenery in Lebanon, but this visit was particularly emotional for me. I was meters away from a stolen land, I observed their villages and I hoped that someday I would have the right to...

  • 2016-07-23: Pont l'Abbé.

    04 August 2016

    Pont l'abbé tricote : une nouvelle association qui réunit les passionnés de tricot. En arrivant dans le centre de la ville, leurs travaux ne sont pas inaperçus [...]

  • 2016-10-06:Beirut

    11 October 2016

    Vinifest 2016 Beirut Hypodrome, with crazy Melissa, Saly, Diana and my Sista [more photos]

  • 2016-10-31:Reims

    02 November 2016

    Cathédrale Notre Dame de Reims - 1211

  • 2017-04-08: La Roche Gyon

    10 April 2017

    The view from the tour [more photos]

  • 2017-04-29: Normandie Ile Chausey

    08 May 2017

    The tour in the Chausey Islands: a group of Islands and rocks on the costs of the Normandie. [more photos]

  • 2017-05-25: Copenhagen

    01 July 2017

    The little mermaid is a sculpture of Edvard Eriksen (1909) based on the fairy tale of Hans Christian Anderson. In the novel, the little mermaid was willing to give up her life in the sea to gain a human soul. One day after we visited her, she was found...

  • 2017-05-26: Malmö - Sweden

    02 July 2017

    The story of a rough experience from Syria to Sweden: It is a welcoming country as long as the refugees show good will to work and progress, and not just benefit from the support. Things seem better now that our Syrian friends are well accustomed to this...

  • 2017-08-05:Paris

    05 October 2017

    It is always heartwarming to meet a little bit of Lebanon in Paris. Even more, when It's the family. Just before having the espresso court et chocolat chaud, we visited Gallerie Lafayette: it is one of the places that I love to go to, not for the luxurious...

  • 2017-11-23: Bourj Hammoud

    16 November 2017

    Wherever our feets lead us [more photos]

  • 2017-11-08: Cannes

    09 December 2017

    The painted walls are based on film themes: Marilyn Monroe, Chaplin, Titanic, Disney, Batman and many more.

  • 2017-12-08: Paris

    02 January 2018

    Grand Palais - Paris: I love the movie and I am very lucky to be in Paris for the musical. It's just such a magical black and white performance, with a boost of colors just at the end of the show. [more photos] It's great to stay up late

  • 2017-12-09: Paris

    02 January 2018

    The 'all I want for Christmas is you' concert. It's been a while since I've danced this much but on the other hand, working in scenography is getting under my skin. I'm not sure if I was more impressed by Mariah Carey's performances or by the machinery...

  • 2016-11-22: Osny

    28 November 2016

    Visite architecturale à la Médiathèque d'Osny avec CAUE Val d'Oise: La différence entre le language des architectes et le language des utilisateurs. D'une part, la transparence et la continuité de la place extérieur vers l'espace intérieur et d'autre...

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